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LGBTQIA+ cultural awareness & equity training tailored to the needs of your organization

Providing Cultural Awareness and Equity training regarding the LGBTQIA+ population is essential in order to reach and support this community. It’s also essential in the effective provision of services. We are nationally recognized as experts on LGBTQIA+ issues and we can provide you with LGBTQIA+ cultural awareness and equity training tailored to the needs of your organization your staff, and the needs of the people your organization or company serves.

Our Training Topics include But Are Not Limited To:

*Ally Training on LGBTQIA+ Equity and Awareness

*Training on LGBTQIA+
Youth in Schools for Teachers, School Administrators, School Staff including how to navigate supporting LGBTQIA+ youth when families may not be on-board

Training for Mental Healthcare Providers on Healthcare Disparities and the Needs of LGBTQIA+ People. This Training Can Fully Inclusive or it Can Be Specific to Children, Adults, or Older Adults Clients

Training for Healthcare Providers, Including Training For Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare Staff, on Broad or Specific Healthcare Issues, including In-Office Training, Hospital Office Staff Trainings, Grand Rounds. These Trainings Can Be Specific to Children, Adults, or Older Adults. Trainings may emphasize Transgender Health Care Issues, safe space creation

*Training for
Retail Businesses, Corporations, Hospitality and Entertainment Companies - Laws, Requirements, Policies, and Best Practices

LGBTQ+ Faith Based Institution Informational Training about LGBTQIA+ People

*Specific Brief Trainings That Train on
More Narrow Issues. Example: Our Senior Training Director rapidly created a 22 minute training and trained 1000 COVID mandated Contact Tracers on collecting LGBTQIA+ demographic information for the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and for the Philadelphia Department of Health and also for the Erie County Department of Health

for conferences

*Leading or
serving on panels to discuss specific LGBTQIA+ issues

*Training on LGBTQIA+
Older Adult Disparities

*Training Commissioners on Municipal
Human Relations Commissions, including training on investigation guidelines of discrimination complaints, and on crafting Municipal Non-Discrimination Ordinance Legislation

*Creating Trainings for
Law Enforcement and Security Providers

*Training on Unconscious Bias Faced by
Women in the Workplace

*We Also Provide
Art History from a Queer Perspective Presentations that can be educational only or can be Educational Comedy Events. Click Here for more information on these events

We can make these trainings and presentations any length and we are able to present them in person or virtually, online. We are able to create tailored trainings rapidly, if needed

Our equity and awareness trainings focus on
language, cultural understanding, sensitivity, legal requirements and laws, LGBTQIA+ minority stress, mitigating self harm, outreach, and leading best practices

In the last few years our LGBTQIA+ trainers have presented more than
300 unique trainings, training over 17,000 people on LGBTQIA+ issues. Each of our trainings is specifically designed and written for the organization receiving the training. You can see a list of some of the organizations we’ve recently on the home page of this site, Our Senior Director of Training, Liz Bradbury updates the trainings with cutting edge information constantly, for example, our trainings consider Supreme Court Decisions rendered 2021 and 2022, data from the 2022 Pennsylvania LGBT Health Needs Assessment and Biden Administration executive orders on LGBT housing non-discrimination, US Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQIA+ rights, State Legislative decisions the affect the LGBTQIA+ community, and local laws, policies, and legislation.

We focus on mental and physical health best practices, the latest laws, requirements, up-to-date policies and policy development, definitions, usage of pronouns and language with regard to LGBTQIA+ individuals, plain language to staff about the necessity for professionalism and appropriate+ actions, intersectionality, cultural context, outreach, support, and retention of LGBTQIA+ older adults and youth clients, students, and customers, proven strategies to mitigate self harm and suicidality, understanding minority stress and its effect on the health of LGBTQIA+ people, the latest information on LGBTQIA+ health disparities, and a best practice discussion on welcoming spaces and housing requirements for LGBTQIA+ people, especially including Transgender and Non-Binary people. Our trainers talk about how to be an effective ally, how to avoid barriers to communication, and why “treating everyone the same” is unlikely to meet the needs of the LGBTQIA+ population.
Our standard interactive training is 2 1/2 hours, which allows time for a short break in the middle and questions and discussion at the end. However, we can
tailor a training presentation to your specific time constraints to make it any length. The presentation includes a dynamic interactive slide presentation. Click here for training fee information.

Attendees in trainings find that having a copy of the slides we are showing is very helpful. We are able to email you a
PDF of the slides to print out or electronically share with your group. The slides are copyrighted and are for reference only, they may not be used for additional trainings by your organization unless a train the trainer contract is negotiated.

We can provide, at additional cost,
recorded trainings in order to train people who may not be able to attend live trainings.

We will also give each person attending the training our full contact information. All attendees may always
call or email any time after the training for additional information or with future questions.

If you'd like to proceed with this training please contact Liz Bradbury to
arrange a date and time, or for additional information or to be assured this training will provide your organization with the kinds of training you need. You can reach Senior Director of Training Liz Bradbury at 610-432-5449 at any time.

